11.06.2024Event recap
QIA members gather in Barcelona to discuss developments, brainstorm pipeline activities

Over 100 member participated in plenary, breakout and poster sessions
Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA) members gathered in Barcelona, Spain on 06-7 June 2024 for the consortium’s annual general meeting.
This two-day meeting featured plenary sessions where work package leaders and task leaders presented the latest updates and pipeline activities in achieving QIA’s objectives.
Aside from plenary sessions, QIA Innovation Team lead Stephan Ritter and Innovation Manager Vlora Rexhepi-van der Pol spearheaded a workshop for all members to identify QIA’s innovation priorities. Parallel breakout sessions were also organised by the Architecture Team, Systems Engineering Track Team, Use Case Team and Stack and Integration Team alongside plenary sessions to discuss pressing matters on their respective work streams.
QIA young researchers also presented their respective research works via a poster session happening in the afternoon of Day 1 and at the sidelines of the entire meeting.
This year’s QIA Spring Meeting was organised by ICFO. Next year is scheduled sometime in spring again and will be held in Innsbruck, Austria.
Scroll through the photos below to get a glimpse of this two-day event.