
QIA Technology Forum

Join QIA Technology Forum (QIATF) and shape the course of tomorrow’s internet!


QIATF is the open forum of pioneering, forward–thinking organisations committed and dedicated to the quantum internet technology development, its commercial deployment as well as to building and broadening of the global quantum internet ecosystem.

Through the QIATF, QIA connects industry, academia, ecosystem partners and key players in various sectors to QIA quantum internet technology developments.

Create impact

Connect with pioneers in quantum networking, driving research and technological innovation as well as paving the way for demonstration in their own sector. Be part of shapers and leaders of the technical SIGs.

Unlock potential

Join forward–thinking organisations that are committed to the technological advancement of quantum internet in their own field. Become strong contributors to the technical SIGs.

Get connected

Engage with the QIA community of scientists, experts and world-class knowledge base for quantum internet. Gain first-hand insights on the developments in this field and relevant enabling technologies.


An initiative of QIA, QIATF is an open forum that enables its members to exchange views, adopt, learn and stay informed on the latest breakthroughs in the quantum internet technology arena.

QIATF engages in joint activities with various member organisations at the national, European and global levels.

The membership activities are organised in Special Interest Groups (SIGs). These are dynamic groups that are initiated by QIATF members around a specific technical area(s) of interest to QIA.

SIGs drive innovations across quantum internet technologies or related disciplines through advancements of the technology knowledge of their members and by keeping them up to date on latest breakthroughs in the field.

Interested in joining a SIG

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

SIGs drive innovations across quantum internet technologies / related disciplines through advancements of the skills of their members and keeping them up to date on latest breakthroughs in the field.

Types of membership

Interested to join?

QIATF is open to all interested parties meeting membership criteria.

Make a membership inquiry by filling out the form below.