
Protocols and requirement analysis (1 year)

The Paris Cen­tre for Quan­tum Com­put­ing brings togeth­er com­put­er sci­en­tists, the­o­ret­i­cal & exper­i­men­tal physi­cists and math­e­mati­cians that work to devel­op nov­el quan­tum infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nolo­gie. With­in the QIA we will lead the design and imple­men­ta­tion of the future quan­tum Inter­net appli­ca­tions in col­lab­o­ra­tion with our indus­tri­al part­ners. The cen­tral respon­si­bil­i­ties in this post is to iden­ti­fy, describe and analyse use cas­es of Quan­tum Inter­net pro­to­cols. To assist this process, (togeth­er with oth­er mem­bers of the team) we aim to curate and expand a list of rel­e­vant quan­tum net­work pro­to­cols achiev­ing var­i­ous func­tion­al­ists. Pro­to­cols will be clas­si­fied by the hard­ware capa­bil­i­ties required to exe­cute them. In terms of the net­work stages put for­ward, such capa­bil­i­ties range from a sim­ple pre­­pare-and-mea­­sure func­tion­al­i­ty suf­fi­cient to exe­cute e.g. QKD, all the way to net­works con­nect­ing large quan­tum com­put­ers. The pre­ferred pro­file is a senior post­doc with famil­iar­i­ty in both clas­si­cal and quan­tum pro­to­cols.

Con­tact details: Prof. Elham Kashe­fi, PCQC, LIP6 cam­pus

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