Postdoc in theoretical quantum optics and quantum information at University of Copenhagen
One postdoc position is available in the theoretical quantum optics group at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The position will be part of QIA. The postdoc will participate in designing and modelling the prototype quantum internet that is scheduled to be built at the end of the project. Additionally, the successful candidate may work on other activities within the area of theoretical quantum optics, quantum networks and quantum information.
The successful applicant will be part of the theoretical quantum optics group and the center of excellence for Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q) funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The group focus on developing theories for the physical implementation of quantum information processing and has a very close collaboration with the experimental activities within Hy-Q, which include optomechanics, single photon emitters and nanophotonics. The center has approximately 50 researchers within quantum networks and is characterized by close daily interactions between the members of the center, both socially and scientifically.
The postdoc’s duties will include research within theoretical quantum optics and quantum information. The post may also include performance of other duties.
More info: Postdoc in theoretical quantum optics and quantum information
Deadline for applications: 1 April 2025