Postdoc and PhD positions in Quantum Networks and Repeaters at ICFO

Quantum Photonics with Solids and Atoms group, led by Prof. Hugues de Riedmatten. We are part of the quantum optics department at ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain. The group was formed in September 2010.
Our research program lies at the crossing between quantum information science, quantum optics and nanoscale science. In particular, we are interested in the quantum control of light matter interaction between single photons and atomic ensembles implemented with rare-earth doped solids and cold atomic gases. The goal of the research is to develop the physical resources to implement quantum information networks and quantum repeaters which are required to increase the maximal distance of quantum communication. A more fundamental goal is to enable the observation of fascinating quantum effects, such as entanglement, with distant material systems and to explore and extend the limits of quantum coherence in complex material systems.
For more information, click here.
Contact: Prof. Hugues de Riedmatten