Application level quantum network simulator
SimulaQron is a tool for software development over a quantum internet. Specifically, SimulaQron provides a distributed simulation of several quantum processors, connected by a simulated quantum communication channels.
Discrete event quantum network simulator
NetSquid is a powerful low-level simulator for quantum networks that follows the paradigm of discrete events. This software can be used to model networks with thousands of end nodes and qubits, as well as repeaters.
Quantum Internet Platform
Quantum Network Explorer
Quantum Network Explorer is a quantum internet platform where users can programme applications to run on quantum networks. Currently QNE back end is supported by NetSquid and SimulaQron, the ambition is to connect QNE to actual network hardware in the near future.
Open repository of protocols for quantum networks
Quantum Protocol Zoo
The quantum protocol zoo is an open repository of protocols for quantum networks. It provides a compact and canonical way to explore such protocols. Moreover, it allows for easy communication among computer scientists, engineers, and physicists on a single platform.