Check if you are eligible
In order to be eligible, you need to be active in a university, research institute or company in one of the following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden. Different internships may be targeting different profiles (master student, PhD candidate, young professional), make sure the opportunity you are interested in is really open to you.
Select the opportunity that suits you
Go through the description of the opportunities. If some aspects are not clear, please do not hesitate to ask us for more information.

Send us your CV (max 2 pages) and a motivation letter
Once you have selected the internship that suits you, please send a CV and a motivation letter to qia-qutech@tudelft.nl. This is consider as a pre-application.
Prepare full application
Once your pre-application has been selected by the host group, we will put you in contact with the host institution so that you can prepare your full application in collaboration with them. You will need to submitting your joint application to qia-qutec@tudelft.nl. The deadline for full application submissions is the 31st of May at 5:00 pm.

Evaluation of applicants
QIA will evaluate all proposals received and make a short list awarding at least 4 internships. The results of the evaluation will be communicated to the applicants by the 30th of June 2023 at the latest.
Start of your internship
After being selected, you will need to arrange with your hosting institution the start date of your internship. You will need to start your internship before the end of 2023.