QIA Consortium Meeting Innsbruck

QIA Consortium Meeting Innsbruck
The Quantum Internet Alliance has entered its third semester. A year has passed since we met all together for the first time at the project kick-off in Delft and Leiden https://quantuminternetalliance.org/2018/12/20/leiden-lorentz-center-workshop-11-dec-2018-through-14-dec-2018/. The project is well underway and has seen publications from different project partners, the Science is beautiful exhibition in Brussels (https://quantuminternetalliance.org/2019/11/08/the-quantum-internet-alliance-present-at-the-science-is-wonderful-exhibition-in-brussels-a-short-report/) and the first ever Pan European Quantum Internet Hackaton (https://quantuminternetalliance.org/2019/12/09/results-from-the-peqih-2019/).
When in Innsbruck we’ll prepare the upcoming year which will see the midterm review at the European Commission in Luxembourg in May.