QIA at ‘Science is Wonderful!’ exhibition fringing the European Research and Innovation Days by the European Commission (Brussels, 25, 26 September 2019)

QIA at ‘Science is Wonderful!’ exhibition fringing the European Research and Innovation Days by the European Commission (Brussels, 25, 26 September 2019)
European Research and Innovation Days
The Quantum Internet Alliance will offer visitors experiencing the most intriguing concept of quantum mechanics – quantum entanglement — and get a peak into the fantastic world of developing quantum technologies. Quantum entanglement is the basis of the quantum internet, and very counter-intuitive for the general audience. Even Albert Einstein thought this ‘spooky action at a distance’ could not be real. There will be a simulation on two computers, which two visitors at a time can experience live. The visitors can compare the weirdness of quantum mechanics with flipping coins on each side and teleporting a quantum bit from one to the other. An engaging scientist will be there to clarify the principle as well as the huge potential for future technology.
‘Science is Wonderful!’ brings the world of science to the public. Fighting cancer, slowing down global warming, preventing hunger and drought, facilitating human life in space — it’s all part of the variety of activities schools, families and young people can discover at the event. Through hands-on experiments, live demonstrations, face-to-face chats with researchers, ‘Science is Wonderful!’ shows how science impacts our daily lives.
European Research and Innovation Days is the first annual policy event of the European Commission, bringing together stakeholders to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape. Speakers will include ministers, commissioners, members of European Parliament, researchers.