
QIA partner Swabian Instruments becomes a Top 3 finalist in the Start-Up category of the German Entrepreneur Award, the “Deutscher Gründerpreis”

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QIA partner Swabian Instruments becomes a Top 3 finalist in the Start-Up category of the German Entrepreneur Award, the “Deutscher Gründerpreis”

On June 3rd, the pres­ti­gious jury of the “Deutsch­er Grün­der­preis” has select­ed Germany’s most out­stand­ing entre­pre­neurs in 2019. The renowned experts from the part­ner com­pa­nies Porsche, Stern, ZDF and the Sparkasse have select­ed Swabi­an Instru­ments among the Top 3 final­ists in the cat­e­go­ry Start-Up out of more than 600 promi­nent nom­i­nees. The jury was impressed by the “out­stand­ing sci­en­tif­ic com­pe­tence” and the “per­sua­sive­ness of the founders”.

“Because there were no suit­able mea­sur­ing instru­ments on the mar­ket, we devel­oped our own,” says Dr. Hel­mut Fed­der, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Stuttgart. This way the Time Tag­ger was born. The award rec­og­nizes the glob­al impact that Swabi­an Instru­ments’ tech­nol­o­gy cre­ates for high pre­ci­sion dig­i­tal mea­sure­ments and acknowl­edges the exper­tise used in the Quan­tum Inter­net Alliance. Check out the offi­cial state­ment of the Deutsch­er Grün­der­preis and Swabi­an Instru­ments’ web­page with the announce­ment for more details!

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Quantum Internet Alliance in the press

Vrij Ned­er­land May 7th, 2019The arti­cle is here: (in Dutch only).
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